pinky promises.

It’s 8:42 pm on Wednesday, and I’m only just now finding the time to sit down and write this little letter to you. I honestly wasn’t sure I’d make it on our weekly walk today, but here I am, metaphorically lacing up my shoes even though what I’d like to do is collapse face-first onto my bed. 

It’s been a busy couple of days. Between going out of town, taking my kids to Disneyland (so fun, so exhausting!), not getting nearly enough sleep, and driving back home yesterday, I nearly forgot to write my newsletter this week. 

I’m still in my running clothes from this morning and I really need to shower. My kitchen desperately needs to be cleaned up (as it always does). My three children keep poking their heads out of their doors to ask for more water, more books, and more bedtime kisses. All I want to do is take a hot bath and tuck myself into bed, but here I am, ready to walk with you. Even if it’s just a quick one around the block.

But…why? Do I really have to get my newsletter out every week?

I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but when I first decided to start writing this newsletter, I pinky promised myself I would send out one email a week for an entire year—52 weekly walks. I knew this would be hard. I knew there would be some weeks I wouldn’t want to write or I wouldn’t have the time. But I also recognized that the only way to get good at something is to practice. To show up even when I don’t want to. To lean on the strength of my commitment when I’m lacking inspiration. To ask God to continually grant me more words when I think I have none left.

So that’s what I’m doing tonight. I’m leaning on my commitment and saying, “Jesus take the wheel.” I’m asking Him to take my tired, small effort and turn it into something bigger and better. Most days that’s all we can do: Show up. Give it to God. Make Him our partner. Let it go. Trust. And try again.

That’s all I have for you tonight, my commitment and my faith. Some weeks are hard and some are easier than others. All we can do is keep showing up. Keep putting on our shoes. Keep following through. 

Please keep going, my friends. Hold fast to your promises—to the ones you make with yourself and the ones you whisper to God. Whatever it is you’re trying to stick with, whether it’s a new habit or a longtime dream of yours, stay committed. Don’t give up. Every effort counts, no matter how insignificant it seems.

You’ve got this. And when it feels like you don’t, always remember that He’s got you. 

Now it’s time for my bath—see you next week.


today’s manna today


walk with me