Introducing the Weekly Walk.

Welcome to my weekly newsletter!

Let’s pretend that you and I are on a walk. You know, one of those rare idyllic walks when you’re with a friend and you just wander together because don’t have anywhere to be except with each other. And the words are flowing and the sun is setting and the breeze isn’t warm or cold; it’s the perfect temperature.

I’ve been on walks like that, and they are magic.

These kind of walks aren’t rushed through. They’re savored and remembered. That’s exactly the kind of mentality I want to foster here in my corner of the internet. I want us to slow down, quit the hustle, and appreciate the moment for what it is. I want us to open our eyes and breathe it all in—the good the bad and everything in between.

So that’s what I’d like this newsletter to be. A little mid-week magic, a golden hour boost to the spirit, a walk with a friend when you really need one. Sometimes I’ll be sharing writing updates or news about my books, but mostly this newsletter is a chance for me to write what’s in my head and heart and hand it off to each of you. Conversation starters about creativity and motherhood, about the search for faith and working through doubt.

Hopefully, something I say resonates with you. Hopefully, something I write makes you nod your head and say, “Me too.”

I’m so happy you’re here. I can’t wait to walk with you.