this one’s for you.

I had other plans for our Weekly Walk today; the first draft of a newsletter is still sitting in my Google Docs, waiting for me to finish it. But this morning when I woke up in the darkness of the early hours to work on it, I felt something different stirring. A question kept coming into my mind: 

How are you? How are you really doing? 

I think too many of us hear that question and answer politely. We paste on smiles and nod our heads with a quick, “I’m fine!” or “Doing well!” or maybe even the slightly more desperate, “Hanging in there!” 

I know in most social situations, it’s difficult to find the time, space, and vulnerability to truthfully answer that question. So I guess that’s what I’m trying to create here today: time, space, and vulnerability. 

Friend, how are you? 

If my mental health struggles over the years have taught me anything it’s that everyone is struggling with something no matter how it looks on the outside. I remember when my best friend Brooke was battling breast cancer, she said she wished everyone had a physical marker or sign for what they were going through. She would point to her bald head and say that because of this obvious sign of her cancer, strangers were kinder and a little more generous. People would come up to her and share stories of family and friends who had gone through the same thing; they would offer encouragement and acts of service.

I echo Brooke’s wish: wouldn’t it be nice if we could see what everyone else was battling so we could offer our help? But most of the struggles we face are hidden or tucked away, lurking in the shadows of our hearts and minds. Oftentimes there isn’t a physical sign. 

But God works around that. He generously offers us spiritual guidance—little nudges, whisperings, and promptings—giving us the chance to act so that we can be His hands on the earth. I’ll be the first to admit that this is not an easy call to respond to. It requires us to slow down, to put down our phones or turn off the TV and find quiet time to hear Him and what He wants us to do. To discover who He needs us to help. 

Over these past few weeks, I’ve had so many of my prayers answered through other people. Through passing conversations and random texts. Even through emails from some of you! So as the sun is peeking up over the horizon through my window, I want to offer these words to you. The words my Savior planted in my heart this morning before my eyes even opened. Words that someone reading this newsletter needs to hear today. 

You are not alone. Your prayers are heard and answered. Right now, as I type this, God is moving in your life. He is putting people on your path to speak hope back into your story. To serve you, bless you, and offer you a much-needed hand. He is planting tiny miracles for you to find. Your Father in Heaven is completely aware of you and your every need—more than you or I could possibly understand. And He loves you perfectly, just the way you are. Yes, even that part of you that you really don’t like. That part of you you’re trying to tuck away or cover up, He loves that part too. He loves all of you. Pause for a moment and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and feel it

He is offering you a priceless gift—His Son, Jesus Christ, to not just walk with you every day of your life but to fight for you. Open your eyes and see Him there. See how He’s gathering an army—friends and family, even strangers you haven't met yet—to walk with you. 

I don’t know who needed these words today. Maybe it was just me. But these kinds of words are always worth sharing. So read them and believe. And pass them on to someone else who needs them too. Be an answer to someone’s prayer today. 

Sending you big hugs, my friends. Thank you for walking with me. 


walk with me


what fuels you?