
Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

i think i’m ready

Too often we miss these ideas because we’re not paying attention; we’re too busy, too distracted. And even on those quiet occasions when we do notice an idea that wants to work with us, that’s usually when the self-doubt starts to kick in: Who am I to think I could do such a thing? To make such a marvel? 

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

those voices inside your head

Compassion doesn’t deny that there is room to grow, but it clears space for new life while our critical voice wipes out any chance of it. 

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

the graceful dance

I want to ask myself the hard question: will I even appreciate whatever is just around the corner if I don’t open my hands to gently receive the goodness that is already here?

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

a dedication.

I never planned on writing about death and grief when I started writing young adult novels.

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