
Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

prone to wander

I don’t claim to fully understand the power of prayer; I feel as if I’m still barely scratching the surface of this miraculous connection. But I’ve experienced too many startlingly personal moments within those sacred conversations for me to stay quiet.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

teach me to love this part

Most of our life takes place in the middle. It’s not just about our fragile new beginning or our final breaths at the end—what did we do with everything in between? 

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

grow your garden

With Christ as my gardener, He will help me grow. Slowly, just as I’m meant to. This is the work that He loves—even if it takes forever.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

when you don’t know how to be brave.

Well, it’s Thursday night, and here I am, running late with my newsletter again. But you know what? I actually don’t think it’s late. I think it’s exactly on time, and here’s why.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

this is holy week

Jesus Christ met me in the middle of my messy week, and I know that He will always, always meet you in yours.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

it’s not up to us.

I feel so inadequate.

The words replayed in my mind as the water from the shower sprayed across my back, hot and relieving after another long day.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

pinky promises.

Some weeks are hard and some are easier than others. All we can do is keep showing up. Keep putting on our shoes. Keep following through.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

walk with me

This is a new chapter in my writing journey. And I’m only on page one.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

this one’s for you.

I don’t know who needed these words today. Maybe it was just me. But these kinds of words are always worth sharing. So read them and believe. And pass them on to someone else who needs them too. Be an answer to someone’s prayer today. 

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

what fuels you?

At the beginning of 2024, I asked God what He wanted for me this year. The answer came quickly. I want this to be your year of letting go.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

you just keep playing.

So often I find myself arguing with God’s timing—sometimes unconsciously, sometimes quite consciously—asking for Him to speed things up or to try out my version of the plan instead.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

the city will be rebuilt on her ruins

So here’s to throwing open the doors to our guest bedroom closets. To letting God into every closed-off, forgotten corner of our hearts. To letting the Master Builder do His job. 

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

stay little.

Lately, I’ve been practicing staying more present in my body (which, if I’m honest, is pretty difficult for me to do). I’ve spent most of my life trapped in my head, overthinking, overanalyzing, and overcorrecting. And well, let’s just say, I’m over it. 

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

when you say nothing at all

I think God uses those seasons of quiet to plant something new inside us. He uses the stillness to add fresh soil, to toss in carefully hand-selected seeds.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

line upon line.

Line upon line, this book will be written. It may be messy and incomplete, but it will be something. And it will be mine. 

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

unlimited fresh starts

January doesn’t own every opportunity for growth. Resolutions aren’t tied to a single season. We can change any time we want to.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

the space between here & there

Confession: I’ve always dreaded the days between Christmas and New Year's. To me, it feels like such a strange space to hang out in, an uncomfortable limbo where the exciting thing has already happened, and now we’re all just lying around, covered in candy wrappers, waiting for the next big thing. 

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

pockets of pink.

Sometimes God works in mysterious ways, but other times He’s quite obvious. He’s the artist splashing colors across the sky, reminding us to look at what He’s capable of. He’s the Father who sent His Son—the bringer of light and the maker of every sunset—to walk this path with each of us individually.

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Nicole Adair Nicole Adair

that crush we all have

It’s on those long, slow days when nothing gets done, those days when I am simply existing that this love is put to the test. That’s when I have to dig deep and look for the truth: do I love myself or do I just have a crush on my productivity? 

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